Global Humanitarian Overview Snapshot as of 31 October 2021

Global Humanitarian Overview Snapshot as of 31 October 2021


Dhaka November 10 2021:

The Global Humanitarian Overview (GHO) for 2021 was launched on 1 December 2020 to help 160 million of the 235 million most vulnerable people who face hunger, conflict, displacement, the impacts of climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic in 56 countries.

As of 31 October, adjusted requirements for 44 appeals were $36.8 billion to assist 172 million of the 251 million people in need in 59 countries.

Funding for the GHO 2021 was $14.3 billion or 39 per cent of requirements at the end of October, with significant new funding reported for the Afghanistan Flash Appeal, Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali, and Myanmar, as well as the appeals for the Syria and Rohingya crises.

Total reported funding is lower than at the end of September last year when funding totalled $15 billion, however, coverage of needs this year is slightly higher (39 versus 38 per cent).

An additional $7 billion of humanitarian funding has been reported. This is approximately $660 million less than the additional funding reported at the same time last year. Coverage of the plans in the GHO varies widely.

Only fourteen out of forty-three appeals are funded above one half of their requirements. Eleven appeals are funded below 25 per cent.

Gender-Based Violence:

Requirements to prevent, mitigate and respond to gender-based violence
(GBV) in 2021 currently stand at $699 million. As of end October, $146.3
million (21 per cent of what is needed) have been reported. This amount
does not include $66 million shared among different sectors, or funding
not reported for organizations/activities in the Global Humanitarian Overview. Accurate reporting on funding earmarked for GBV activities, as well
as funding made available through the allocation of unearmarked funds,
is crucial for gap identification and advocacy. Partners are encouraged to
report all funding to the Financial Tracking Service. For more information
on funding reported to date, visit the FTS dedicated page.

Pooled Funds : Central Emergency Response Fund :

In October 2021, no new allocations were endorsed by the Emergency Relief
Coordinator. However, the situation in several countries is being closely monitored to
ensure timely responses.
In addition, planning is underway for the next CERF Underfunded Emergencies (UFE) round in which countries will be selected to receive CERF UFE grants in 2022 based on their needs and funding levels

CBPFs disbursed $33 million to humanitarian partners in nine countries in
September. Of this amount, around 81 per cent went to NGOs, including $6.6 million
to local and national partners and $20.2 million to international NGOs.

CBPFs continue to be the largest direct source of funding for local and national partners on the frontlines of emergency response. From allocations launched in 2021 so far (totalling $631.8 million), 40 per cent of CBPF funding was provided to national and local NGOs. International NGOs received 41 per cent.

CBPFs will continue to provide significant funding to local partners, leveraging their proximity to affected people and harnessing their local knowledge and social networks. As of 31 October, donors had pledged or contributed $747 million to 20 OCHA-managed CBPFs.

Five CBPFs launched reserve allocation rounds in October:

• Nigeria Humanitarian Fund (HF): $23.8 million standard allocation in response to a rapidly deteriorating food insecurity situation in the North-Eastern states of Borno, Adamawa and Yobe because of ongoing conflict, insecurity, relocation of IDPs and COVID-19. The allocation will provide dignified living conditions for the most vulnerable and crisis-affected people. It will complement an ongoing CERF Underfunded Emergency allocation focusing on protection.

• Somalia HF: $1.0 reserve allocation to UNHAS to maintain humanitarian passenger services, transportation of light cargo, and support to critical access for the humanitarian community to affected populations, including for humanitarian joint assessment missions.

• South Sudan HF: $20 million reserve allocation to address the deteriorating situation due to escalating conflict in Tambura, a Hepatitis E outbreak in the Bentiu IDP settlement and the negative impact of flooding in many parts of the country. The allocation will provide critical life-saving assistance to the affected communities where there are more than 500,000 people in need of immediate humanitarian assistance.

• Syria HF: $20 million reserve allocation to immediate scale-up and address the impact of the water crisis, as well as bolster the provision of winter-appropriate assistance. The allocation will, among other things, provide cash assistance for vulnerable families, rehabilitation of water pump stations and sewage networks, nutrition assistance for infants and young children, and training of humanitarian workers on protection and GBV.

• Venezuela HF: $8 million standard allocation to provide assistance to indigenous communities, including children and adolescents who lack access to essential services such as education, water, health, electricity and energy for cooking.

